Using activity completion info in grades

Using activity completion info in grades

von Gergely Rakoczi -
Anzahl Antworten: 5

Very often teachers ask us whether they can use the completion information (e.g. one student has opened a PDF or has completed the feedback activity) within the grades of the course. By this they could build powerful grading schmes e.g. by using formulas. (If this can be done already, please please tell me where or how lächelnd

So, at devcamp it would be interesting to discuss and to tackle this topic. This feature would be especially interesting for those institutions (I know some in Austria) who use grade export funktions to transfer the course grades to their campus management systems. In this process also using the activity completion data would be really helpful.

I'm looking forward to find guys at devcamp who are interested in this topic. For myself I can provide 15+ years of Moodle experience on testing, user story writing and being product owner on large Moodle installtions.



TU Wien - Austria

Als Antwort auf Gergely Rakoczi

Re: Using activity completion info in grades

von Lesego Monametsi -
Hi Gergely

This sounds very interesting. I'd like to assist.

I have an additional ask - while i've worked with Moodle a lot, I haven't really been involved in user story writing and test protocol development.

Would you (or anyone else) be keen to host a short Moodle focussed guidance session on this? I know there are instructions on Moodle Tracker etc, but learning socially like this would help me feel more confident to contribute in future. Hoping I'm not the only one who feels like this.
Als Antwort auf Lesego Monametsi

Re: Using activity completion info in grades

von Gergely Rakoczi -
Hi Lesego,
It is nice to hear that this topic is also in your field of interest. I will bring this idea into the devcamp session. lächelnd
Concerning the user story writing request, I guess the best might be to bring up this topic in the Barcamp session. Usually, at the beginning of the BarCamp, everybody can pitch for topics he/she is interested in, and if there are some people in the audience who are interested, the session is scheduled. in this case, I'm happy to join the session and report on my experiences.
Best regards,
Als Antwort auf Gergely Rakoczi

Re: Using activity completion info in grades

von Selma Kovacevic -
Hello Gergely,

I'm not sure whether I got that right, but we did some little workaround using the activity completion and the activity called "checklist". So whenever students did, e.g., an exercise in H5P or post feedback etc., they would get points automatically - also visible in the gradebook of course.

Your scenario sounds very interesting - would be great if there was a more smooth way to handle this.

I look forward to discussing this further.

Best wishes,


FH Technikum Wien - Austria
Als Antwort auf Selma Kovacevic

Re: Using activity completion info in grades

von Gergely Rakoczi -
Hi Selma nice to hear from you lächelnd and yes you got it absolutely right ... checklists, checkmarks, gradeitems, labels etc. are those workarounds that I pass on to teachers now. Thank for your feedback and let's discuss this during the devcamp. Happy to hear that you are attending.
Best regards,
Als Antwort auf Gergely Rakoczi

Re: Using activity completion info in grades

von Gergely Rakoczi -
Hi dear Moodle DevCamp attendees and Moodlers!

We have developed this nice feature at Moodlemoot DACH Devcamp!
So we can now combine (finally) gradbook and completion in Moodle.
To bring this upstream to Moodle we need your VOTE!
So please please please take a short time to vote for this tracker issue. It's highly appreciated.