Dynamic group allocation plugin

Dynamic group allocation plugin

di Christopher Reimann -
Numero di risposte: 0

Hello fellow Moodlers,

a dear non-dev-colleague pointed out a bundle of requirements which might be interesting to persue in development.
As far as i know there is a plugin to dynamically allocate users to cohorts by defining logical rules.

But up to now i haven't found something comparable for course groups. A teacher might be interested in discriminating the students by those rules (e.g. weighted quiz scores or similar) to target more specific learning requirements. One could think about it as an AI use case, even though in this frame I am more interested in the conditional use case.

If somebody has worked on it or is currently working on it, may it be in core or as additional plugin, please give me a heads up. Else, I would be happy to find interested people (not only DEVs) to collaborate here.

Best regards,
Christopher, eLeDia