One week to go ⏰

One week to go ⏰

di Katarzyna Potocka -
Numero di risposte: 1

Just a few details regarding our MoodleMoot DACH next week in Vienna - the mail might be a bit long, so grab a coffee/tea before you continue ammiccante

  1. Weather ☀️
    Bring a jumper/hoodie because it might get chilly in the evenings. Otherwise the forecast right now shows crazy hot 29°C during the day. 

  2. Pictures 📸
    Because we all know that 1 picture says more than 1000 words, we have once again one place where we want to collect all the pictures and that means that we would like to ask you to contribute and upload all the pictures you will be taking from the MoodleMoot DACH in Vienna. 
    Upload your pictures: 

  3. DevCamp  💻
    Remember that the DevCamp is a Hackathon, so the main purpose is to produce working code during 48h and have something to show at the end of the 2nd day. You need to be prepared to join a team, get your hands dirty and contribute to the project. 

  4. BarCamp 🎙️
    During the BarCamp you first of all pitch your topic ideas and then, after we build a schedule out of your pitches, you will be able to listen to amazing talks/presentations or present your own ideas. 

  5. Venue 🏟️
    We have once again booked the amazing location at the TU Wien - TUtheSky for the DevCamp and Audimax and a couple of other lecture halls for the BarCamp. Details you can find here: 

  6. Communication 📞
    Not only during the MoodleMoot DACH but also before the event we use the Matrix space for the whole communication concerning the event.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you at the MoodleMoot DACH next week in Vienna.