Thu-11:20- Moodle Plugin Lernlandkarte

Re: Thu-11:20- Moodle Plugin Lernlandkarte

par Christine Lent,
Nombre de réponses : 0
Plugin Show & Tell: Learning Map/ Lernlandkarte
The plugin allows to construct a Learning Map (Path) by connecting nodes:

Starting location and/or end location can be defined for each node in the path via checkboxes.
Each node is connected to a Moodle activity.

Comparison to H5P Game Map:
- H5P can only access/connect to H5P interactive elements

Is there a recommended maximum image size? Not yet. There are approaches to cover responsive design and design recommendations, but there is no solution implemented, yet.

Is scrolling behaviour implemented? Not yet.

"Fog of war" has just been implemented as a feature.

Teachers wanted to see, which path the students chose. This feature request was also fulfilled: Teachers can see highlighted paths.

Available from Moodle 4.1 onwards -> goal is to support the latest LTS version of Moodle.

Prerequisites can be defined -> even very complex structures can be depicted.

Links: (German)