Thu-14:00-02C-Get to know MDK (Moodle development kit)

Thu-14:00-02C-Get to know MDK (Moodle development kit)

di Luca Bösch -
Numero di risposte: 0
Get to know MDK (Moodle development kit)
Philipp Memmel (DE+EN) / Luca Bösch
Not working on docker at Luca's device, but there should be general support? sorridente
config.json to configure the setup
at least one database system is needed
"mdk fix MDL-XXXX" - checkout a new branch MDL-XXXXX-main
-> do the fix, commit it
"mdk push" -> this automatically updates the tracker!! (if the repo urls are filled out)
-> make sure, testing instructions are filled in the tracker issue
"mdk backport --versions 403 404" -> cherry-pick the fix for other versions 
"mdk update --upgrade --all" -> update all local Moodle instances
"mdk behat --run --name 'xxx'" - needs selenium running
"mdk phpunit ... "
"mdk run -l " - see all available scripts
"mdk run version" - reset the database to original state - makes downgrade possible!!!!!!
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