Fri-09:00-Audimax-Question bank in 4.5

Fri-09:00-Audimax-Question bank in 4.5

di Antonia Bonaccorso -
Numero di risposte: 0

Here you can find the notes from this session. The questions could not all be noted due to lack of support.


Quiz and Question bank / Test und Fragensammlung  (Luca Bösch, Tim Hunt, Antonia Bonaccorso)
"The end is near!"
Antonia shows the project team
Antonia tells the single items that have been able to be added release by release.
Due tu the groundlaying work both of rewriting on how question bank works (making each component a core plug-in and extendable) in both Devcamp MoodleMootDACH 2023 and Devcamp MoodleMootDACH 2024 people were able to develop Question bank plugins.
During the release period of 4.4 there has been a lot of work on the improvement of category management and the sharing of question banks, but none of the two functionalities were integrated. So work continued for 4.5
explanation of how sharing works up to now
question sharer role and question banks on category or site level (
category managment
moving up and down works via drag-and-drop and has also a keyboard accessible mode 
there were some small UX improvements on the page
QA testing started on 2nd September, you may try it out there:
sharing questions
access of the question bank still works the same via "More" on course or quiz level
quiz level question banks are kept, so teachers can simply add questions to a quiz without thinking about the question bank
When you go to "More",  you access the question bank page where you can add new question banks and see all the places in your course, where you have questions in (manly quizzes)
The workflow of adding questions to a quiz remains basically the same. If you have more than one question bank in the course or question banks in different courses, you are asked to choose the question bank as a first step. You then continue with categories or other filter criteria as you are used to from prior Moodle verisons
  • it is possible to include questions from another course in your quiz this way. So there is no need to transfer questions from one course to another to use them
Once you are in a bit of the question bank, it works exactly the same as it did up to Moodl 4.4
how to contribute
Is there a way to search all my question banks at once?
  • - No, not yet. This is a obvious future feature to come. If you want it, we suggest you create a tracker
if I move questions between question banks and I have history of statsitics on that question, is the history of the statistics moved too?
  • - Yes, it should work
How will my old, big question bank (over a 1000 questions) be migrated?
  • - The change come with a proper migration plan. In short: for each question bank you own now, you will have a new one with all questions in and all the users that had access to the old question bank will have access to the new question bank as well
possible next developments
addind filter functionality like searching for recently changed questions, questions authered by X, last used questions,...
improving verisoning
further backup and restore bug fixes
sharing question banks accross sites
or maybe we will switch focus and have a look at quizzes
If you want to follow the progress on integration of the sharing functionality, follow:

This is the link to the ether pad: