
Re: Fri-11:00-Audimax-Feedback_wanted-No_garantuee

by Sara Arjona Téllez -
Number of replies: 0

Thank you all for attending the session and sharing your feedback on Moodle with us. It was amazing to meet and hear from you.

We’ve reviewed and updated the devpad with the topics that were pending:

Below, you’ll find the content, along with an attached PDF smile

Lots of love from Barcelona 😘😘,


Feedback wanted: no guarantees! wink
Amaia Anabitarte ( & Sara Arjona ( | Moodle HQ (EN)


"How is Moodle organised now with new uk managers - still Australia based? - Marie Achour (Moodle global head of product) keynote from MootFI earlier this year. Was a good talk.

Gergely Rakoczi - please find a way to combine Moodle gradebook and completion data ;) +1Thomas +1 Martin
 - Didn't you do that in the Dev camp wink -- Tim. Yes we did ;)

Stefan Hanauska: We need a contextlevel for course sections+1 Nicklas +1 from Antonia +1Judith +1 Luca +1 Tomas +1 Yorik +1 Matthias +2 Jan (and other Jan) +1 Paola +1 Jule +1 Thorsten +1 Sebastian +1 Jens+2Tim&Tobias +1 Martin
For instance, for letting students to create activities in one section.

Valerie Hindenburg - is it possible to add more accessibility features like short notices when editing activities? 
Do you know which pages are tested for the WCAG 2.1? see for and According to Moodle is WCAG 2.1 compliant
Information about the accessibility process can be found in 
Currently, the audited pages can'be be listed but it's been decided if this information can be shared publicly smile

Moodle products roadmap (IDEAS): (From Amaia&Sara)

Paola Maneggia: (#OER) it would be great to have some API for activities to define which content is regarded as user data. This influences if it can be exported and imported in backup/restore processes. The main example is mod_glossay where entries, even if created by a teacher, will always be exported as user data. This makes it impossible to share it in a useful way across moodle instances (workaround presently: export as XML and import again, but no backup/restore process "safe" - at most as an admin you will need to put up with creating an anonymous user in your DB when restoring). +1 Stefan +1 Nora +1 Jens  +1 Hanna  +1 Heikki+1Gergely +1Dennis+Maria+1AndreasHruska +1 Martin

Ralf Hilgenstock: we are not thinking things to the end. Some examples:

  • enrolment notification should be available in all enrolment plugins+1 Stefan
  • questions should be used for quizzes, lessons, h5p and feedback. Tim started to seperate them from quiz. Thanks, but nobody made them available in lessons +1 Nora+1 Hanna +1 Martin+1Judith
  • questions should be used for quizzes, lessons and feedback.
  • why lable, pages, books? Lets integrate them into one plugin +1 Antonia+Maria 
  • Context freeze dev stopped as well... (Melanie)+1 Jule - we also use this and would love to see it continued

Marcus Green
Not sure label should be integrated with pages, and books.. you might be right, needs some thinking I guess +1 Paola

--> Announcement of the version numbering changes:

Thomas Niedermaier THE CALENDAR!!! oh yes, please+1 Gergely +1 Melanie +1Maria +1 Yorik+1 Silas

  • it takes too much place on the dashboard and is not very catchy
  • add capabilities to calendar events to apply the role system as well (Melanie)+1 Mareike
  • make it possible to choose which types of events are shown where (e.g. only website events in the calender on the frontpage, but my personal events on the dashboard)

Frank - please, put the glossary content in the coursebackup

Frank - how to make courses more interoperable between different institutions/universitys
Melanie - create a function to push/pull courses between different Moodle instances!+1 Sarah (also e.g. automatic update on "connected" Moodle instances)
Marcus Green
Or make LTI easier ..? +1 Julie- make it simpler to integrate different platforms(moodle or other) for seamless learning experience+1 Sarah - make support easier by having more info or insights

Marcus Green: I know that HQ is working on LTI and it has got better but it is still painful. I created this page to simplify the docus and focus on a Moodle 4.3 to 4.3 LTI connection, but it is still painfull...

Stefan Hanauska: New way for setting (local) permissions is necessary (the current way is not easy enough for teachers)+1Judith +1 Paola 

Andreas Hruska:

  • Have a really "nice & shiny" theme (preset) right after first install ... in order to have a first impression of  "whow nice " instead of "oh, noooo" ... just provide chocolate & strawberry + sprinkles instead of just plain vanilla smile +1 Antonia +1 Melanie+1 Silas
  • Make course completion based on activity completions more flexible (multiple  conditions with logic conjunctions AND/OR,...) in order to reflect more complex course structures (optional/selective components, groups,...)+1 Mareike +1 Stefan+Maria+1Judith+1 Heikki+1 Nicklas

Marcus Green
In addition to a shiny course after first install., what about a very minimal example course with a few items to welcome new people. I keep downloading the Mt Orange course ..Andreas Hruska: YES - Having an optional Demo "population" of a Moodle Instance with Design/Adminsettings/Coursestructure/Courses could speed up orientation/inspiration and decision process for people evaluation Moodle as a solution+1 Antonia+1 Silas

Stefan Hanauska: Long forms (e.g. course settings, activity settings, backup / restore) need sticky footer with submit buttons (

Melanie Treitinger: "simple" tracker issues should be processed faster if a solution is available  +1Dennis +1 Hanna+1Wiebke would like to add, very old ones too # from 2006 and still open!  (Maybe some peer reviewing community?)

Stefan Hanauska: More reactive activities / course editing tasks (to reduce reloading page when clicking on links, ...)

Martin Reichel: The integration/ view of tables in Moodle is horrible at the moment for our lecturers - they are not "part" of the page and very large, complex (gradebook, assignment, ...) - the problem: how it should be improved? Antonia Bonaccorso: we mad an attempt with question bank - but I think there is still more room for improvement

Heikki Wilenius: Still dreaming of the team mode for the workshop activity:

Antonia Bonaccorso (ETH Zürich): For newbies Moodle with all it's settings and possiblities is quite overwhelming. We would love to see an "easy mode" that reduces the settings to the moste used/strictly necessary. And if we could make an even bigger wish, the settings the esay mode reduces to are configurable by the site admin (I know this a incredibly huge wish).+1Thomas but it is not enough, we need (AI-)Assistants+1 Silas
Marcus Green: Plz talk to me about my ideas for a Partial "easy mode" solution...+1 Anja I'm interested in that too
(I have  code). Anja: This is the repo
At "mebis" we already have a solution called "easyforms" we use in production right now.
Marcus: My thing is a generic "insert javascript/css here" tool, so you can hide bits e.g. the less frequently used fields in quiz question editing.
I'm also interested in these ideas so I hope you also share with me smile (Amaia)
Admin presets project - Thanks to people from Pimenko: (from Amaia&Sara)

Alexander Bias:
We agree that not everything can be in Moodle core. But for many many needs which end users might have in Moodle, there are already full-fledged plugins out there in the Moodle plugin repository. But most of the time the admins or even the teachers do not know about these solutions.
How about adding something like "advert hooks" into the Moodle GUI at the right places which inform the end users "If you want to extend this area of Moodle here, you might want to look at <plugin description | plugins list>". +1 Melanie - great idea! +1Wiebke ! +1 Philipp (supporting Antonia's remark to address Admins)
Marcus Green: There is a "plugins marketplace" concept in motion at HQ which may address some of that. (Alex: Yes, I have been in touch with HQ within their plugins marketplace evaluation recently and submitted loads of proposals ;) )
Antonia: I would prefer the information went to the Admin, not the enduser - otherwise as as service owner I will receive endless requests to install everything and I have to tell them "No, I don't" and also make up for a good reason WHY I don't +1 Melanie +1 Philipp +1 Jule (Alex: I tend to agree, but as admin, you might not look at all the areas where teachers or students are looking at or know about all their needs.) Philipp: Maybe enable this functionality for a custom role and embed this "feature tour" in a prepared setting (i.e. a selection of volunteers out of the teachers collective and the local Moodle service-team), frame it as a wishlist and include the "footnote" that not all wishes can come true. ;) Important advantage: The service owner chooses the date and time, when this feature tour takes place - so there is no possibility to be flooded by feature requests during the whole year.

Thomas Wedekind: Whats planned about Matrix integration into moodle? -> 4.4

„Dennis“ Wolfgang Baier: A small UX request: Large images should be zoomable. This is important for accessibility reasons, as well as for mobile devices, and simply because people expect this from a modern platform. We've implemented it as a JS snippet, but I would like to see it integrated into the Moodle core.+1 Stefan +1Thomas

Judith: We would like to have a possibility to indicate to learners (automatically) which activities are required for course completion and which are not.+1 Stefan +1 Melanie It would be really valuable for ex. for self-paced learning courses. Progress bars generally only indicate which activities have been completed and which have not, however do not show which activities are compulsory and which are not.

Gergely Rakoczi - relative deadline still experimental feature unfortunately  [Relative deadline experimental implementation was developed by someone who lived in a place without daylight-saving time. It is more complicated to get this right than they thought --Tim]

"Dennis" Wolfgang Baier: I dream of educators who navigate Moodle in an exemplary way (courses with a variety of activities, large question banks, a high number of forum posts, etc.) being rewarded for their efforts. This could be a 'Top Ten' list on the startpage or an automatic badge.

Mark - with 5.0 put Moodle on a diet and remove the bloat - remove from core - chat? Competencies?  Move competencies to being a plugin? I disagree about removing competencies, although it is definitely an advanced feature. But it is also a feature linked to a rather modern teaching approach that should be used more often and maybe even improved. (Mareike) Marcus: It needs to be improved or removed. I was excited when it first came out, but it requires extensive study to understand and use. I totally agree with this! It is hard to use and we had a long discussion about this yesterday - with the bottom line that the feature needs improvement. (Mareike)

Stefan Hanauska: I would like to have "presets" for activities that are also available via the activity chooser. These presets should be like pre-filled forms for activity creation for specific use cases (so we wouldn't need to tell the teachers how to configure it). For example this could be mod_data created with a certain template, or mod_forum in a specific mode with activity completion and grading settings, ... One could also make this searchable by didactic scenarios (maybe being tagged?).+++. A quick solution to an improved Competencies would be a new plugin to address the requirement but easier to understand and use.

Stefan Hanauska: After all criticism: Moodle is great - we just have to sell it in a better way! MG++ +1 Antonia: would like to add I can also see many improvements regarding consistency over the last major releases ++