MoodleNet as an OER platform @ BFH
moodlemootDACH 2024
10:00 Vortmann Hörsaal
Stephan Robotta | Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) (EN)
The MoodleNet idea
Product of Moodle HQ.
Not to confuse with the Moodle LMS.
An OER platform with the ability to exchange lerning material beween users -> the Napster for "educational resources".
Current situation in Switzerland
- Great interest in OER.
- Policies often not yet defined.
- One national platform by Switch.
Why MoodleNet?
It's open source!
Good experience with Moodle LMS.
MoodleNet software stack
- Node.js
- React
- ArangoDB
- Docker (default)
Development history
Current version is 4.3.
Major rework beween 2 -> 3 (no optical changes).
Gamification added in 4.
MoodleNet Product
Current status: 1 developer, no product manager.
Product -> Research project.
Federation was not on the wishlist of users.
Rumours that it will become a product again.
Situation at the BFH
Promotion as the OER platform for our lecturers.
Adaptation to our needs.
Where is the difference?
MoodleNet current release:
Version at the BFH:
- Multilanguage
- edu-ID Login (SSO via SAML)
How did we achieve this?
Hacking the core
Creating branches, and an extra module.
Experiences from a Node.js developer
The Saml authentication modules was developed by an experienced Node.js developer.
Limits of the approach
- Upgrades are painfull because of merging branches.
- Build process of own modules is tricky (no automated scripts).
- Using the built dev artefact at production.
- more configurable modules
- better abstraction of concepts
- handling of admin tasks
- Moodle course vs. activity
Documentaton lacks at the moment.
Great support from the developer in the form:
My documentation: