Improvements to language customisation

Improvements to language customisation

di Martin Reichel -
Numero di risposte: 0

Hi everyone,

I apologise for my late poste with details of our pitched project "Improvements to language customisation".
But first of all: the conference was great as always, but unfortunately much too short (as always). 🙈

Our pitch was concerned about further improvements to the language customisation at the site administration.
Aim of this project was, to  give administrators the option to deal with customising strings much more easily than it is possible at the moment.

During the two days of the DevCamp our team was working intensively on this (please find further details in the attached presentation). At the end, working code was already available with some nice features and bulk actions.

We will continue development in the next few weeks and submit some issues in the Moodle Tracker (an update will follow soon).

Hope to see all of you next year at the MoodleMootDACH. 😀

All the best,