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Things go bump in the night…and it’s not always the beast with two backs.

I do the same when I’m walking from the car to my front door. I always have to scan the area.

I can’t stop hitting the snooze button every morning. : /

real talk…i hit my snooze button no less than 5 times every morning. though im cheaing because i have two different alarms set. i suck at waking up. that’s not completely true. but i felt like saying that. and it was so.

I hit the snooze on my alarm clock, the snooze the alarm on the cell, then cut of the timer I set for 20 more minutes after I turn off both alarms…

Yeah I specially set my alarm to go off like an hour before I actually need to get up because I already know I’m going to keep hitting the snooze

I do that too, only it’s more than an hour in advance…

…because for that first hour I’m not even going to hear the alarm when I hit the snooze #HeavySleeper

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