Richard guckt sich offenbar an, wer sich von den gemeldeten Namen sich in anmeldeten und zu Arbeiten begannen.
Richard is apparently looking at who of the names reported signed up and started working in
Of the 8 names you've nominated, I can see that 5 of them are at least enrolled in the course, and two of those (Kathleen Aermes, Jörg Schäfer) have actually started working through the content - I'll give permissions to those two now.
Kathleen und Jörg, ihr habt nun die Übersetzungsmöglichkeit in!
Kathleen and Jörg, you now have the translation option in!
Richard is apparently looking at who of the names reported signed up and started working in
Of the 8 names you've nominated, I can see that 5 of them are at least enrolled in the course, and two of those (Kathleen Aermes, Jörg Schäfer) have actually started working through the content - I'll give permissions to those two now.
Kathleen und Jörg, ihr habt nun die Übersetzungsmöglichkeit in!
Kathleen and Jörg, you now have the translation option in!