Collaboard Plugin for Moodle

Collaboard Plugin for Moodle

von "Dennis" Wolfgang Baier -
Anzahl Antworten: 4

My university - University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt - is now also using Collaboard as a DSGVO-compliant online whiteboard. Integrating it into Moodle is a bit cumbersome/not User friendly: create a whiteboard in Collaboard, set the sharing options via a password, create the board in Moodle through the URL activity, and provide a description informing learners what they can do with the board and what rights they have.

In our ideal scenario, instructors use Moodle as the central access point and create a Collaboard activity here. After entering the name and description, they select in the further settings whether learners have read-only or also write permissions for the board. Once created, the board is directly usable.

I recently contacted Collaboard, and they could now provide a developer: He has already implemented a similar scenario for NextCloud as a plugin and might also attend the Moot or be available via Zoom.

Do you use Collaboard, and would you be interested in participating in the plugin development? I am a UX designer myself and would definitely need developers.

Als Antwort auf "Dennis" Wolfgang Baier

Re: Collaboard Plugin for Moodle

von Mark Glynn -

Have you tried Moodle Board - - it is one of the most popular activity plugins on the Moodle database. How does it compare to Collaboard? I know from previous experience that the particular developer is open to investigating future development of the plugin

Als Antwort auf Mark Glynn

Re: Collaboard Plugin for Moodle

von "Dennis" Wolfgang Baier -
We do use the Moodle Board plugin, but it offers different functionality compared to Collaboard. Collaboard is comparable to something like a Miro board.

We also investigated whether the mod_whiteboard plugin could be adapted. However, mod_whiteboard does not meet our ideal scenario of providing instructors and students with an easy way to create and access Collaboard. It only allows embedding a board into a course, which somewhat simplifies access for students, but does not ease the authoring process for teachers. Essentially, the impact is minimal compared to the option of opening Collaboard in a separate window via the URL activity:
Als Antwort auf "Dennis" Wolfgang Baier

Re: Collaboard Plugin for Moodle

von Ralf Hilgenstock -
Hi Dennis,

did you check geogebra notes. There is an existing plugin to use it in Moodle. I remeber it was created for mebis in Bavaria.
Als Antwort auf Ralf Hilgenstock

Re: Collaboard Plugin for Moodle

von "Dennis" Wolfgang Baier -
Thank you for the idea with the GeoGebra plugin. However, the approach I am pursuing with the Collaboard plugin is not about allowing learners to view or modify pre-created content. The goal is to make the authoring process easier for our educators. If they can create and manage a Collaboard directly from Moodle, there’s no need for additional Collaboard training. Moreover, neither educators nor learners would need to sign in or enter passwords separately for Collaboard, as this would be handled by Moodle in the background.

Meanwhile I got a message from Collaboard: "Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung. Nachdem wir alle aus dem Sommerurlaub zurück sind, kann ich Bestätigen, dass wir jemanden von der Entwicklung online via Zoom hier beim Event zur Verfügung stehen kann. Die Person spricht einfach nur Englisch oder Italienisch.
Er kennt Moodle auch schon von seiner Universität 😊."

So, at the moment, I have a developer on the Collaboard side who knows the API inside and out, as he recently created a plugin for Owncloud that offers exactly the functionality we need, and myself as a designer to keep an eye on design and UX. Now, I urgently need another developer lächelnd