Better link between Participants View and Gradebook

Better link between Participants View and Gradebook

by Valentin Koser -
Number of replies: 1

Teachers very often have to switch back and forth between the Participants View and the Gradebook. This requires a lot of clicking. Perhaps it would therefore be helpful to link the participants view and gradebook better with each other. So it would be nice to get to the participants individual grades (single view) directly from the participants view. This could be implemented, for example, by means of a link-icon next to the participant name.

Vice versa, it would also be helpful to be able to get directly from the grader report to the Participants View by clicking on the participants name or an adjacent icon. By clicking on this icon you could see the the list of participants view prefiltered by the selected participants name, e.g. to get an immediate insight into group assignments, etc.

Maybe someone else is interested in this issue or has any ideas.


In reply to Valentin Koser

Re: Better link between Participants View and Gradebook

by Aeneas Schwaiger -
Hello Valentin,
I see it exactly as you do.
Furthermore, I find the grade calculation in Moodle to be in need of improvement. In Moodle, points are accumulated, but these are difficult for the teacher to comprehend. When it comes to the final grade assignment, strange rounding errors occur. For example, failed exams are marked with a green checkmark, when it should actually be red.
My English is very poor, so here it is again in German. I hope that some workshops will also be held in German; otherwise, it will be... difficult for me.

Best regards Aeneas Schwaiger

Hallo Valentin,
ich sehe das genauso wie du.

Außerdem finde ich, dass die Notenberechnung in Moodle verbessert werden könnte. In Moodle werden Punkte gesammelt, die für den Lehrer aber schwer nachzuvollziehen sind. Bei der endgültigen Notenvergabe treten dann merkwürdige Rundungsfehler auf. So werden zum Beispiel durchgefallene Prüfungen mit einem grünen Häkchen markiert, obwohl sie eigentlich rot sein sollten.
Mein Englisch ist sehr schlecht, deshalb schreibe ich dies noch einmal auf Deutsch. Ich hoffe, dass einige Workshops auch auf Deutsch abgehalten werden; sonst wird es für mich... schwierig.

Viele Grüße Aeneas Schwaiger