Kompetenzbasiertes Lernen und Lehren in Moodle

Re: Kompetenzbasiertes Lernen und Lehren in Moodle

von Mario Calabrese -
Anzahl Antworten: 0
Hallo Leute,
(allow me to write this post in English, competencies are a complex topic and I'm not sure of my German)

I used the Competency functions in Moodle in the past, co-wrote a white book (which is unfortunately not public, but only available for internal use) and additionally animated two workshops in the Italian and French MM about Competences in Moodle. But, honestly, I haven't touched this functionality over the last (more or less) three years, so my knowledge base could be a little rusted. 
By the way, I will be glad to discuss with you about Competencies in Moodle, at least online, waiting to see if I can attend the DACH-Moot (I will decide last-minute, based on the workload in early September).

As an "appetiser", I can just say that the necessary steps to make are: i) define a framework (Moodle allows a 4-levels indentation/taxonomy); ii) create learning plans, potentially with a cherry-picking competency items coming from different frameworks, an assign them to cohorts or single students; iii) import competencies in a course (not necessarily a whole framework) and define the rules fro validation.

Additionally it could be necessary to create a new role in the platform, something between the admin and the teacher, who will take care to create the frameworks, establish new scales, create learning plans... typical administration stuff that teachers are not allowed to do in a platform/site context.

And this is just the technical part, as I see things the most important one is to define a competency policy, prior to use the Moodle tools, as it implies new practices for all the user categories in the platform.

For your information, at the last French MM I have seen an interesting presentation of a Master degree entirely based on the CBE, practically they replaced grades with levels of competency:
https://mm2024.univ-amu.fr/course/view.php?id=61 (recording should be published soon, in French of course).

Hope that helps