Attractive moodle courses with "Course blocks" and "Course themes"

Attractive moodle courses with "Course blocks" and "Course themes"

by Philipp Memmel -
Number of replies: 0

Hi moodle enthusiasts taking part in the dev camp,

the team of the "mebis Lernplattform" (for those who don't know: The "mebis Lernplattform" is the moodle instance for all schools of the state of Bavaria in Germany) is excited to join the MootDACH 2024 and, of course, also wants to pitch a project for the dev camp, so here it comes:

"Abstract": wink

One of many of our current mid to long term goals is to enable our teachers to create attractive moodle courses that can guide the teachers' students as well and clear as possible through the learning activities. Not only do we want this for older students, but particularly also for the younger ones (6 years and above) which makes us face some challenges.

One of our teachers - you maybe already know Dunja Speckner who will also speak on the global Moot this year - had the great idea of providing pre-designed unified blocks that help students recognize what they are supposed to do as well as avatars who can guide a student through the course. Here are some examples of how this could look like:



We want to put all this into easy to use plugins and make these plugins as reusable as possible. What we have in mind:

  • Adapt the plugin tiny_c4l ( which - as far as we know - is not being developed anymore and rework it so that admins can import and export these templates including HTML code, CSS code and even custom JS for more advanced blocks (custom accordeons, dropdowns, time lines, we have plenty of ideas and for some already prototypes wink)
  • Develop a new plugin for course themes: With it teachers can choose a theme in which the course blocks are being rendered (color themes, but also design themes defining if the blocks rather target older or younger students for example). Also we want to provide themes that style the course itself (will of course depend on the course format used) and ideally match the course blocks theme (or it is even the same course theme providing CSS for both)
  • Develop a repository plugin that allows teachers to add the avatars easily to their course and which can be filled and maintained easily by the admin. At best this can be integrated with the tiny_c4l plugin so that the teacher can pick the avatars directly from the repository.

What we have and what we need:

We have:
  • Prototype of the reworked tiny_c4l
  • New database scheme for the reworked tiny_c4l based on our user stories
  • Prototype of the repository plugin
  • Some ideas how we want to achieve our goals
We need:
  • Ideas and feedback of how this can be realized
  • Help developing this

Feel free to share your feedback right here or at the Moot and participate in this project.

We're looking forward to having a great dev camp at the Moot!

for the team of the mebis Lernplattform