Revolutionize Support with AI and RAG

Revolutionize Support with AI and RAG

by Alexander Mikasch -
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Hello Developer Community,

Imagine a world where the support process is both seamless and efficient, where routine questions from professors, administrators, and students are handled swiftly and accurately, allowing you to focus on the more complex challenges. This is the vision we’re bringing to life at the upcoming Moodle DevCamp with our project: the RAG System for Moodle Documentation and Code.

What’s the Big Idea?

Some of us has faced the challenge of dealing with support requests that disrupt your flow and consume valuable time. The Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) System is designed to take the load off by automatically answering external support queries that can be resolved. RAG combines two powerful AI-Technologien: Retrieval, which searches through extensive Moodle documentation and supplementary materials, and Generative Models, which use this information to generate accurate, context-specific responses.

When a query comes in, it first goes through an anonymization process to protect user privacy before being processed by the Multi-Agent RAG System. If the query can be answered confidently by the system, an accurate response is generated and sent to the user immediately. For more complex issues, the system escalates them to the appropriate expert, creating detailed tickets that include potential solutions or step-by-step plans. To ensure correctness and foster user acceptance, these tickets are supplemented with relevant documentation and additional resources, giving users not just an answer but also the supporting material to fully understand and address the issue.

Additionally, any new tasks or insights generated during this process can be fed back into the RAG system to continuously improve its performance and adaptability.

Why Should This Matter to You?

- Streamlined and Effortless Support: The RAG system effectively filters and resolves straightforward support requests, so you’re not constantly interrupted by repetitive questions. This allows you to dedicate more time to critical development tasks.
- Faster Problem Resolution: External users receive immediate, accurate responses, improving their experience and freeing you from the burden of constant support interruptions. The inclusion of supplementary documentation enhances the reliability and acceptance of the solutions provided.

Why Get Involved Now?

This project is about enhancing support, not eliminating it. In just 1–2 days, you can help create a prototype that balances automation with human expertise, making support more manageable while still ensuring high-quality responses. Your skills and knowledge are crucial to making this vision a reality, allowing you to reduce the time spent on routine support tasks and focus more on innovation and development.

Ready to Contribute? Join us at the DevCamp and be part of a project that intelligently lightens the support load, giving you the space to focus on what you do best. Together, we can make support faster  and more efficient for everyone involved.

We look forward to your ideas and contributions.

See you at the DevCamp,
Alexander, Moodle.NRW

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