Bulk tag update for question bank

Bulk tag update for question bank

by Marcus Green -
Number of replies: 6

When question bank plugins were first introduced I taught myself about it by creating a demonstration plugin that would do 

bulk update of the text within questions. Would people be interested in creating one that did a bulk update of question tags?

My concept https://github.com/marcusgreen/moodle-question_bank_bulkedit


< humour> I will try to fit in some AI if required < /humour >

In reply to Marcus Green

Re: Bulk tag update for question bank

by Hugo Ribeiro -
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend MoodDACH2024, but I think this would be a very useful plugin that would make tags in questions usable in many cases.
Thank you for your work, Marcus.
In reply to Marcus Green

Re: Bulk tag update for question bank

by Stephan Robotta -
I would love a bulk export of questions (in Moodle XML). Although, there will be improvements for the question bank itself coming in the future, a buld export would make the transfer of questions between different courses much easier.
In reply to Stephan Robotta

Re: Bulk tag update for question bank

by Marcus Green -
You can already bulk export a category of questions (which is nice)
In reply to Marcus Green

Re: Bulk tag update for question bank

by Stephan Robotta -
The use case is that I want to pick a few questions from here and there. I would have to move these to a new category. After the export I have to place them again where I picked them from. At least that's what I did so far. Just export them by clicking a checkbox (including questions from subcategories) would make this a lot easier.
In reply to Stephan Robotta

Re: Bulk tag update for question bank

by Tim Hunt -
I'm happy to be part or a team working on qbank plugins.
(And, if we do, another thing we could work in in parallel is ensuring that the Dev docs for these plugins are good enough.)
In reply to Marcus Green

Re: Bulk tag update for question bank

by Ralf Hilgenstock -
I'm wondering that this intresting feature is discussed specially for questions. I see often that a functionality is available only for on elocaton , but itt makes sense to use it generally.
Here my very first thoughts:

Bulk tag editing
- Search for a group of items by type in a context . This could be questions, forum posts, activities et al
- Mark the relevant items from search result
- Select the next process step
-- add one or more tags
-- delete a tag
-- rename an existing tag