my proposal for a pitch:
At the moment, when a badge is awarded to a user, the badge creator may receive an email. There are two problems with this:
- that creator is no longer employed by the institution (email goes to nowhere)
- the creator of the badge might not be the one that actually has defined the badge criteria and is interested in woh is awarded this badge.
- Setting whether the creator gets a notification about an awarded badge can be enabled or disabled (also it can be set, wether one email is send for each awarded badge or whether an email is send in a certain timeframe and all awared badges are mentioned in the email at once).
- Awarded badge notification can be send to any user that exists in Moodle.
- Awarded badge notification can be send to an arbitrary email address that may not exist in Moodle (this is useful when role accounts are in use and a ticket is created in bugzilla/otrs/jira).
- Combined email (many badge issues at once with a periodical email) should still exist.